Once we returned to the Nursery, we read the story of Little Red
Riding Hood. Next we acted it out pretending to be the characters in the story...it
was great fun! We also made story maps by drawing out the story on large pieces
of paper. Afterwards we talked about all the food items that could be in Little
Red Riding Hoods basket. We thought she would have lots of yummy foods in
there, including sandwiches; so we made a shopping list of everything we would
need to make sandwiches. Miss Skelton visited the shops and bought all the
ingredients so we could make our very own delicious sandwiches...which we ate!
Finally we decided to write to the Big Bad Wolf and tell him what we thought of
him! Lots of us thought he should go on 'the cloud' and have 'time out' for
trying to eat Little Red Riding Hood! What do you think?
Nursery - Everyone Writes
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Last week the children in the Nursery were very busy! On Monday we
visited the pond area in our school and discovered some
mysterious footprints, fox fur, a red cloak and an
empty basket. We then became detectives and tried to work out what had
happened. After a lot of excited of discussion, we decided that the
Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood had been there!