Sports Stars of the Week!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Each week outstanding performance, effort and achievement in P.E and sporting activities. is identified by our qualified Sports Coaches and class teachers. Pupils who shine in  lessons, clubs and activities outside of school are recognised and celebrated each week in our Friday celebration assembly. 

Congratulations to last week's Sports Stars of the Week!

Year 6 have it all sewn up!

In Maths this week, Year 6 have been learning all about string art and how to create Parabolic curves using straight lines.  Equipped with rulers, card, coloured thread and needles they were able to make attractive geometric patterns.

 It wasn’t easy, but with perseverance, determination and a certain amount of patience they successfully produced a range of different eye catching designs. 

Well done Year 6!

Rounders tournament at Mead

On Tuesday 29th May, year 5 and 6 children competed in their very first rounders tournament at Mead School. After only 2 sessions of training, the team showed fantastic skills in fielding and bating. Although they didn't make it to the final, children and staff were extremely proud of Hilldene's natural rounders stars.

Year 3 keeping fit!

In Year 3 this week, we  have been learning how to keep fit. The children have really enjoyed our new sessions of circuits, in which they compete with their peers and partners to achieve the best times. The stations this week included: skipping, shuttle run, balance, aerobics and catching and throwing.

Although we were  out of breath, we finished the session with huge smiles on our faces. Well done Year 3!

Art in Year 3

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

During this half term, Year Three have been learning about plants. After visiting the Royal Horticultural Society at Hyde Hall, the children were keen to sketch, pastel and paint images from their own observations.

Taking  inspiration from Margaret Mee (who was a botanical artist specialising in plants), the budding artists created some fantastic pieces of art using control and concentration. 

Look out for their work on display around the school for everyone to enjoy!