certificate in assembly and parents of the 'golden' children in the juniors receive a letter home, informing parents of their child's fantastic achievement.
Congratulations to our winners:
Reception - Richelle, Alana, Stanley Anita, Nicole, Joshua
Y1 - Freya, Harry, David, Macey-Lee, Jenny, Poppy
Y2 - Holli, Rayan, Rohnak, Anca. Faye, Archie
Y3 - Nathan, Amelia, Thomas, Darcie, Claudette, Zoe
Y4 - Nicole, Alfie, Georginga, Jad, Olivia, Danut
Y5 - Alisha, Harry, Charlie, Abraham, Klaudia, Haris
Y6 - Jamie, Ume, Jada, George, Abbie, Jessica