certificate in assembly and parents of the 'golden' children in the juniors receive a letter home, informing parents of their child's fantastic achievement.
Congratulations to our winners:
Reception - Alexandru, Alana, Armandas, Mollie, Alfie, Leila
Y1 - Jahilson, Malaika, Shayla, Leja, Maddison, Jaiden
Y2 - Vilte, Yaqub, Neave, Edger, Archie, Tayla-Jai
Y3 - Alfie, Evita, Taylor, Alexei, Armanda, Vladislavs
Y4 - Amira, Stephan, Scarlett, Ruby, Georgina, Harry
Y5 - Tyler, Meyah, Alex, Courtney, Alexander, Matas
Y6 - Larisa, Maisie, Bartosz, Nicole, Riley, Reggie