World Book Day - Hilldene's First Book Swap!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Children in KS2 generously donated over one thousand books last week to the first ever Hilldene Bookswap as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

With the help of some Year 6 volunteers, the books were distributed between KS1 and KS2, and the swap was set up in one of the classrooms in the long corridor.

During the afternoon, every child with a token had the opportunity to come and choose another book.

The generosity of the children was overwhelming with children choosing books for brothers and sisters, choosing books for mums AND choosing books for their teachers!

A grand total of 840 books were swapped by the children in KS2 - leaving nothing!

Everyone agreed the first ever book swap was a resounding success. Thank you to the Literacy team for organising it.